Is the United States Government Fulfilling the Classroom Needs to Achieve Student Success?

lack of classroom resources in the us schools

Written by MODISHYE

January 20, 2020

Have you ever wondered only child why the motivation to succeed in both high school and college is not enough to be an excellent student?

 Has it ever crossed your mind that your school has failed to provide the necessary resources to equip you for success? Well, in my first article for the series After You Leave the Classroom, I discuss how motivation alone cannot be the sole ingredient for excelling in secondary and higher learning institutions.

 I failed to introduce the idea behind this series earlier. So, here I go! After You Leave the Classroom is a blog series where I bring unanswered questions or forgotten ideas to the spotlight. I introduce them with the hope that you share your perspective or position on the matter! The idea is for you to ponder and ask yourself, “what knowledge have I gained since the classroom to think otherwise, or do I still stand to what I said or heard years ago?” Did you ever get an ah-ah moment after you left the classroom?

                                             Well, tell me. What roles do schools play?

Education is a vital tool that one can use to distinguish himself from the ignorant and egotistic. According to Jean Piaget, education is “a principle used in schools that will create men and women, capable of doing new things instead of repeating what other generations have done.” Education is not just an essential tool, but it is also a powerful weapon to change the current situations of things into something magnificent. Thus, it is a process that one goes through every day since the world can not be changed in a day. A quality educational system should be found in a well- developed country, such as the United States of America, due to the availability of resources to its citizens. Although the educational system in America has significantly improved compared to the 18th and 19th centuries, it is not the best compared to other well- developed countries. Therefore, it is time for the improvement of the American educational system, because many students are not performing to the best of their potential, leading to irresponsible citizens and the increasing numbers of negligence in the society. Many blame the poor state of education in America on poor student motivation, but students are not motivated because of the lack of resources and poor teaching strategies. Is this true? Do you agree that the American government has failed to provide proper resources for students to excel?

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